This is a favorite site of ours, Great stuff!
Doom and Bloom (TM)
www.doomandbloom.netArchives from Doom and Bloom...
The Last 30 Posts
- Doom and Bloom Hour # 22 with Jason Akers - April 21, 2012
- Biological Warfare - April 17, 2012
- Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour #21 with Donna Miller on April 14, 2012 - April 14, 2012
- Tornado Preparedness - April 14, 2012
- Dental Trauma, Part 2: Tooth Knocked Out - April 12, 2012
- Dental Trauma, Part 1: Fractures - April 9, 2012
- Doom and Bloom Hour #20 with Vickilynn Haycraft on April 7,2012 - April 7, 2012
- Scenario-Specific Prepping - April 5, 2012
- Emergency Sanitation Basics, Part 3: Your Hands - April 1, 2012
- Doom and Bloom Hour #19 with Ray Gano on March 31,2012 - March 31, 2012
- The 3 Absolute Essentials for your Bomb Shelter - March 31, 2012
- Emergency Sanitation Basics, Part 2: Food and Water - March 28, 2012
- Emergency Sanitation Basics, Part 1: Sewage - March 26, 2012
- Popular Mechanics Home Safety Prep Show Review - March 24, 2012
- Popular Mechanics Home Safety Prep Show, with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy - March 23, 2012
- High Blood Pressure - March 19, 2012
- Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour #17 3/17/12 with SouthernPrepper1 - March 17, 2012
- Trauma Module Video - March 15, 2012
- The Case for Fish Antibiotics: YouTube Video by Dr. Bones - March 13, 2012
- Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour # 16 on 3/10/12 with SkinnyMedic - March 10, 2012
- Fractures, Part 2 - March 8, 2012
- Fractures, Part 1 - March 5, 2012
- Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour #15 3/3/12 with Mat Stein - March 3, 2012
- The Importance of Patient Advocates - March 2, 2012
- A Pharmacist’s Daughter and Med Tech’s View on Equine Drugs - February 29, 2012
- Athlete’s Foot - February 27, 2012
- Doom and Bloom Hour #14 with Gaye Levy - February 25, 2012
- Three Big Myths About Alcohol - February 25, 2012
- About Essential Oils… - February 23, 2012
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Do To the enormous amounts of spam I will no longer take the time to moderate Anyone posting under anonymous... Sorry for the inconvenience but my email is blasted everyday with 40 to 50 anonymous posts that are junk mail. I just don't have the time to read each one before deleting.